17-8-2017 Demo Amsterdam: Solidarity with the anti-fascists in Charlottesville

This Thursday there will be a demonstration in Amsterdam in solidarity with anti-fascists in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Last Saturday, a neo-nazi drove his car into an anti-fascist protest against one of the biggest ever nazi demonstrations in the US, which took place on the same day. This resulted in multiple serious injuries. 32 year old Heather Heyer was killed. Solidarity with all anti-fascists in Charlottesville, Heather’s bereaved, and with everybody affected by extreme right violence.

Last Saturday, a large group of neo-nazis, Ku Klux Klan members, various Alt-Right groups and the National Socialist Movement wanted to come together in Charlottesville under the name “Unite the Right”, in order to protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, confederate general and a symbol of racism and segregation in the US. Already on Friday night, the day before the demonstration, a large group of extreme right activists gathered in Charlottesville. Armed with shields, bats, and torches, they shouted racist chants and attacked a small group of counter-demonstrators.

Video of the attack. WARNING the images are intense

The following day, the extreme-right already flooded the city in the state of Virginia hours before their planned demonstration. There was a large amount of extreme-right militia members with automatic firearms in attendance. There were also massive counter demonstrations. The day resulted in many fights, and sometime after 12:30 PM, a neo-nazi drove his car into a crowd at an anti-fascist protest resulting in several serious injuries and the death of 32 year old Heather Heyer.

We would like to express our sympathy and our anger in the streets. Anti-fascism is and will always be necessary and is always legitimate. Come on Thursday to Amsterdam, 20:00, Spui!

AFA Nederland
AFA Amsterdam
AFA Den Haag
AFA Noordbrabant
Antifa Utrecht

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